Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Drowning in Email? Become the Master of Your (inbox) Domain
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM CDT
Digital communication is designed to make our lives easier. And it does, for the most part. But let's face it, there are TOO many ways that people can contact us; that is, if we're actually checking every social media page, text thread, and in-app message board we've ever used.
And yet, we're still EXPECTED to stay on top of our email account(s).
Even if, say, only 4% of the emails we receive on a daily basis are important, we still need to SEE and READ and sometimes REPLY to that 4%. Unfortunately, for many of us with ADHD, that 4% is, at this moment, hiding somewhere in our inbox(es), obscured by a barrage of "special offers" we need to delete and unsubscribe from ASAP, but, please...not right now.
If your email is out of control and you can't stand it anymore, OR if you're a master digital minimalist with zero unread messages, please join us as we discover systems and strategies for managing our overflowing inboxes.
There will also be time allotted during this Meetup for hands-on digital organizing. So, if possible, plan to have access to a second device* with your email program(s) installed on it, such as a phone or second computer. *(optional)